Julia Roberts Suggested To Play Harriet Tubman Says Harriet Writer Variety

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Harriet Fact Checking The New Harriet Tubman Movie
Harriet Virginia Is For Lovers
Harriet Screenwriter Says Studio Exec Wanted Julia Roberts To Play Harriet Tubman Deadline
Harriet Tubman Americans Who Tell The Truth
Portrait Of Harriet Tubman Between Ca 1871 And 1876 Idca
A Hollywood Executive Once Suggested Julia Roberts Play Harriet Tubman Vogue
Print The Legend Writing The Screenplay For Harriet
The Only Time Harriet Tubman Was In A Major Feature Film There Were Vampires In It Too Vox
Harriet Tubman Facts And Myths How The Movie Tried To Get It Right The New York Times
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Studio Exec Suggested Julia Roberts To Play Harriet Tubman Says Harriet Screenwriter The Hollywood Reporter